BrightBid is an AdTech company that creates more refined Google Ads recommendations for businesses. With the launch in London (the second largest market for Google Ads spend), we are strategically positioned to service our ever growing British clients which include the UK’s leading answering service MoneyPenny.
B2B marketing teams using Google create fewer data points for Google’s automation to optimise on and so the addition of our AI on top of Google’s creates incredible results for our customers.
We also work with only one advertiser in any audience auction as we’ve found our AI is so powerful that it can create competitive bidding situations if two of our customers compete.
This, coupled with our extensive use of smart search experts to train the AI model during customer onboarding means we’re the best in the industry and our customers can attest to this as they’ve seen at least a 20% increase in conversions on average but we often far exceed that benchmark.