Forfatter: Anton Marchenko

  • How to Create a Google Shopping Product Feed

    6 Ways to Create a Google Shopping Product Feed

    Learn the different ways to create an effective Google Shopping product feed.

  • christmas-advertising-tips

    Christmas Advertising: Last-Minute Quick Wins

    It is still possible to hop on the Christmas train and give your advertising campaigns a festive boost. In this last-minute guide, we’ll explore some effective quick wins to save your Christmas advertising campaigns.

  • how to find google shopping keywords

    5 Ways on How to Find Google Shopping Keywords

    Let’s explore the details of keyword research and optimization that can help boost your Google Shopping campaigns and turn potential customers into actual buyers.

  • 10 ai market research tools

    10 AI Market Research Tools to Try Out

    Let’s look at the ten AI market research tools that help companies like yours view their markets, customers, and competitors.

  • AI til digital markedsføring: Den ultimative guide

    AI til digital markedsføring: Den ultimative guide

    Verdenen indenfor ​​digital annoncering og markedsføring gennemgår en revolution, og i spidsen for denne forandring er kunstig intelligens (AI). AI transformerer, hvordan vi målretter mod målgrupper, tilpasser annonce oplevelser og optimerer kampagner for at opnå maksimal effekt. Denne guide vil dykke ned i den spændende verden inden for ​​AI til digital markedsføring og annoncering, og…

  • why use content api for shopping google merchant center

    5 Reasons to Use Content API for Google Merchant Center

    Google Merchant Center’s Content API is designed to improve the way you manage product listings. Let’s explore five compelling reasons for using the Content API, along with insights on when to use it and how.

  • Bing Ads Guide for B2B Marketers

    Bing Ads for B2B Marketers: A Complete Guide

    This guide will walk you through the ins and outs of Bing Ads and show you how to make the most of this powerful tool to take your marketing strategy to the next level.

  • Google Search Algorithms E-Commerce

    Google Search Algorithms and E-Commerce

    Do you actually need to adapt to every Google’s algorithms? Let’s figure all that out.

  • circle to search e-commerce

    How Circle to Search Will Impact E-Commerce

    Circle to Search will inevitably impact e-commerce. Let’s talk about how you can make use of Circle to Search for your business.

  • google shopping ads extensions

    8 Google Shopping Ads Extensions

    Google Shopping is one of the leading comparison shopping platforms for showcasing products and driving traffic to your online store. However, to truly maximize the performance of your Shopping ad campaigns, you need to consider leveraging the power of Google Shopping ads extensions.