
Customer Stories

OPR Finance

Increased Revenue

OPR Finance wanted to expand rapidly across the Nordics but were finding it difficult to scale using digital marketing channels such as Paid Search.

About the client —



Ökade potentiella kunder


Kostnad per konvertering


OPR Finance is a leading Scandinavian Fintech that specialises in providing fast and easy loans to consumers and businesses. BrightBid helped increase their website leads by 280%, improved conversion revenue by 107% and reduce costs per conversion by 62%.
OPR Finance wanted to expand rapidly across the Nordics but were finding it difficult to scale using digital marketing channels such as Paid Search.

What made you choose BrightBid?
”Now we get really relevant high quality visitors to our website. We’ve seen a huge increase in conversions since starting out with BrightBid.”

Review —

”Now we get really relevant high quality visitors to our website. We’ve seen a huge increase in conversions since starting out with BrightBid.”

Emanuel Barmasi

Marketing Manager OPR Finance

The result —

BrightBid helped OPR Finance drive high value customers to their website

BrightBid helped OPR Finance link their in house CRM system to their Google Ads Account. This was critical for them to optimise towards website searchers more likely to convert to leads and become high value customers. OPR Finance had many competitors bidding on their brand search terms and wanted to broaden their reach by using generic search terms but were being limited by results and budgets. BrightBid worked to ensure that OPR Finance were protected on their brand search and were then able to expand to generic terms.


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